Stones 2/22
As I was walking and walking trying to find something. I couldn't figure out what it was. All I knew was that I was drawn to it. As the background changed from leaves and trees, into stones sand and a sunny day. The heat from above was giving me color. In the horizon I saw a beautiful waterfall. A waterfall like no other. The water was rushing down with beauty. I saw birds and other creatures roaming the area, and I was in love.
Once I got to what I thought was heaven I just jumped into the pond. I swam to the end of the waterfall. This was a lovely place and I never wanted to leave.
Wind 2/22
Wind was coming at me like a blizzard or a hurricane. It just kept coming and coming and wouldn't stop. I was trying to get to the next destination. I needed to or I would be lost. It was like I was on the moon, no gravity, just slow motion steps. As each step took a minute, I became weaker and weaker, but I wouldn't stop until I got back home feeling the warmth of the loving people around me.
The wind starting picking up even more intensely. I knew for sure I would not make it back in time. I felt isolated from the world. Alone. At one moment I fell harshly to the ground. My hands started stinging with range. Gravel pressed into my hand and knees.
The next day came and my family was searching for me. Up and down the street, calling the police. Worrying and stressing. Then, they found lying on the street curled up in a ball. They leaped out the car and sprinted towards me. Turned me over, checked me pulse. Too little, too late. I'll remember you always.
Moon 2/27
No gravity. Slow motion. Drifting into nothing. Being alone, and not having to wonder about anything. Being able to let your thoughts spill out.
Or, as your laying in your nice comfy, warm bed your look up at this wonderful image and you become happy. Looking over at what you did today and how to improve upon. Look at what you did correct, or how you made someone's day better, or possibly you had one of those bad days, and you can reflect on what you can do to make things better. All in all you can just think and space out.
The moon also seems to be like guidance. In the scariest part of the day, which is nighttime, the moon gives you light. Shows you a path so you don't feel alone. Giving you the right amount of light you need to still be satisfied and not harmed.
Waves 2/28
Feeling the small pieces of gravel going in between your toes as the sun starts to rise. The sun is giving you a big burst of heat making you melt like a Popsicle and ooze underground. I begin to get too hot to handle so I start picking up my pace and I get to the top and
I land in the water and I go from hot to cold just like that! I spin around swimming like there's no tomorrow. As if I'm a mermaid. The waves begin to pick up and my body starts shifting into awkward positions. I start to loose control and the waves spin me around and all water starts going up my nose and I try to reach the surface so I can take a breath, but as soon as I'm up I'm back down wiggly and struggling to get back up.
Now, there's no time left. I have to get back, for my own safety…or this might be my last breath.
I start coughing and gagging, as if I haven't had a single breath in ages. Everything is foggy for me but I manage to see some images. I saw people rushing towards me screaming my name, and giving me the Heimlich. I spit out water and I now have a clear throat and can breathe normally again. The people who saved me and let me have another day helped me back to my house. Never second guess life, because it might be your last.
Fish 3/8
Scaly and slimly are they. They roam around the tank with no where to go. They swim and bonk hits the glass. How they wish they could be in open water and see things they have never seen before. What it must be like to have no boundaries and not being in a controlled environment.
It felt like minutes, but when I looked up at the clock, in reality it was actually 2 hours. Two hours of me looking at my fish. When I watch this creature it makes me feel at peace with the rest of the world. I don’t have to think about anything else, but what the motion, the little waves it produces.
I started to notice how weird and stupid people must be to put random rocks and fake leaves into their fish bowl. All it's there for it for decoration, pointless. The fish doesn't do anything with it, if there's any consolation it's that the fish runs into to these pointless objects.
Suddenly I look into the tank and see the fish moving on to somewhere else.
All day long…..
Pie 3/14
Pie is like a person. You have to peel them one layer at a time.
When you meet someone they usually put their guard up, like the outer crust. There unsure of what your about and won't give you the instant connection that you wish you had. It takes a week or two till you get to the filling, but once your there it's sweet.
It's almost like the first day of school. Your concerned if anyone will except you, so you get all dolled up putting sugar and cinnamon to hind your insecurities. Then, you find someone your first day and try to get to know them and try to break down the wall that they have up. Then, your finished you ate your pie and now you have your new best friend.
Lizard 3/27
Candle 3/27
Deep asleep. No one can wake you up. Hear the train whistling and going along the tracks. It wakes you up and you flop to the ground with excitement. Taking the straps from your robe and tying it into a bow with perfection. I light the candle and creep downstairs not trying to wake anyone else up, but every step you make makes a loud creaky noise. Opening the front door letting in a heap of snow rush upon your face, so you slam the door close. I'm awake now and I can't go back to bed, so I lay on the couch and watch the candle. The only light that my home gives me. Slowly, it melts down to the nub only leaving the drips. The flame is done now and now your sitting in the dark…alone.
Lizard 3/27
Captured is the way to put it. Trapped is another. Trapped and captured between four glass walls. I can't get out even if I try with all my might. What's the point of coming out anyway? When they see me they scream with fright, and they can't bear to be near me for more than 5 seconds, so I'm left in this box with fake rocks and the same food every day. No excitement. Same routine, every, single, day.
Knuckle 3/27
They say it's wrong to do, but I do it anyway. It seams to me to be a sigh of relief. Every morning wake up to the annual morning stretch preparing your body to have to most challenging task. Getting up. After that it's smooth sailing. Until you get bored. Then comes another snap, crack! To make yourself get mesmerized into the form of your hands. To drift off for a second or two, and crack, your back.
Camera 3/27
Experience the memory. Take a shot of the memory and share. It's all you have to remember the past, of which you've had. Taking it all in looking for the right ones to show off to the ones you've known for so many years. You've shared a laugh, a smile, a thought, or a hand letting them know that's it's all right what you've done. I forgive you and now it is the time to take a big step into your future where there is so many possibilities and dreams.
You have grown. From a small infant, to a toddler, to a corky kid, and now to your immature self. That I have found to dislike very much. Take the time now to over think what you've done to me and how you've made me feel.